Chapter 375 (DU)

Under the Newark Board of Education’s private Medical and Prescription Benefit Plan, an eligible child is defined as a subscriber’s child under age 26. Health benefits coverage for children usually ends as of December 31 of the year in which the child turns age 26. Under the provisions of P.L. 2005, c. 375 (Chapter 375), as amended by P.L. 2008, c. 38 (Chapter 38), certain over age children may be eligible for coverage until age 31.

This includes a child by blood or law who:

  • Is under the age of 31;
  • Is unmarried;
  • Has no dependent(s) of his or her own;
  • Is a resident of New Jersey or is a full-time student at an accredited public or private institution of higher education; and
  • Is not provided coverage as a subscriber, insured, enrollee, or covered person under a group or individual health benefits plan, church plan, or entitled to benefits under Medicare.
2025 Chapter 375 DU 31 Rates
Chapter 375 Health Benefits Coverage of Children until age 31
DEP 31 Enrollment Form 68189w

Continuation of Coverage for Disabled Child

Arrangements may be made for the continuation of coverage for an enrolled child who has a physical, mental, or psychological condition that makes it impossible for the child to be self-sufficient. Coverage does not continue automatically.

You must complete two applications the Aetna Request for Continuation of Coverage for Disabled Child Form and Disabled Child Attending Physician’s Statement for the continuation of health benefits coverage for your qualified child.

Once your child receives notice of eligibility to continue coverage due to a disability, you are required to provide a copy of the letter to the Office of Benefit Services.

You can email the completed two forms to the benefits@NPS.K12.NJ.US or directly to Aetna via fax. Once it’s received, please allow 7-14 calendar days for application for review for a decision.

Continuation of Coverage
for Disabled Child
Continuation of Coverage
for Disabled Child
Physician's Statement